The Huzhou government come to Copenhagen 7th of July with the purpose of establishing business collaboration projects together. The business collaboration projects will focus on Eco village and Greenlab in Huzhou together with Danish and Nordic companies. Focus areas are green buildings, water and waste treatment, vertical farming, sustainable food production and smart community solutions.
The 7th of July we will have a workshop with Huzhou government and Vice Mayor of Huzhou. Also a China business delegation will attend the workshop together with Danish companies and organizations.
The goal of the workshop is to have an agreed understanding of the two demonstration projects and to have the opportunity to meet the Danish companies that will be part of the two demonstration projects. The purpose of meeting is also to have person to person discussions and reflections.
More information about the workshop and the two demonstration projects: See here
If you are interested to join the workshop, please send email to Anders Thomsen: ant@nordicflexhouse.dk