Mobile healthcare unit

sep 28, 2020

Glocal Health AB is a market focused Sweden company, that develop and provide patient centered advanced healthcare services, that are cost effective, sustainable and with high availability for all through a GLObal AI supported healthcare services platform, customized to LOcal conditions.
The main services are:
• Radiology services (diagnostic, treatment, monitoring).
• Mother & child services (diagnostic, treatment, monitoring).
• Lab services (medical services).
• Second opinion services (semi-automatic answers to patient diagnose).
• Virtual marketplace with add-on services to patients.
• Tailor made reimbursement financial services for patients and hospitals.
• Design, construct, install and support of Glocal mobile healthcare units as turnkey solutions, through Glocal Partners.
The Glocal mobile healthcare unit is an expandable unit to be placed in rural areas, that has
been developed as system solution together with Nordicflexhouse. Nordicflexhouse is now shareholder into Glocal Health AB.
The heathcare unit has the size of a container and can be moved to a specific location and placed there with foundation as part of the solution. On the construction site, the modules can then be expanded to a size of a 40m2 heathcare center.
One important cornerstone of our concept is the use of mobile units equipped with the latest technology within areas, such as Telemedicine solutions including Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Virtual Reality (VR). Glocal Health AB has vast experience of development and design of mobile units and equip them for almost any medial application such as:
Elderly care – “Senior-mobile” for emergency and chronically ill elderly patients.
Women and child – “GP-mobile” for prevention screening and vaccination.
Screening – “Screening- mobile” – available for breast, prostatic and other screening activities.
Advanced diagnosis and treatment – including technologies such as High Intensity Focus Ultrasound (HIFU) for treatment of prostatic- gynaecology and breast tumours.
Advanced surgery – technology for the latest development of holographic imaging and VR.
We focus on India and China market. See more information here:
We have also developed a COVID 19 testing unit. See here:
For more information, please contact: Anders Thomsen, Nordicflexhouse; email:; phone: 52250493