
NordicFlexHouse Co. is a private company working in the business field of open BIM, strategic partnership, complex solutions and export.

In NordicFlexHouse we work in the following ways:

  1. Helping tech companies reach the chinese and indian market.
  2. System development and establishment of sales alliances on the international market.
  3. Project management of green housing projects in Scandinavia, India and China.
  4. Education in project management.

It has long been possible to produce in factory complete houses of high technical quality and under controlled conditions. What is new is that digitization of the design and production process makes it possible to meet users’ individually needs without increasing cost (mass customization).

We help you to meet the market’s many expectations of excellence, user-centered design, advanced functionality, minimal energy consumption and minimal maintenance. In addition, we assist you to ensure that the construction process will be short and that the the price will be competitive. We support you in the strategic partnership process, which includes construction companies, architects, engineers, manufacturers and contractors.

Vi har særligt fokus på udvikling af energirigtige og bæredygtige systemleverancer, der kan indgå i nybyggeri og renovering. (se figuren neden for).


A system supplier is responsible for the design, production and assembly on site of the system product that can be a window delivery to an entire house. It often happens in a supply chain collaboration with other companies, but with the system owner as responsible for overall quality and service. A system solution consists of a number of components that together provide a system product with interfaces to the next system product of the building.

A system supplier work simultaneously with:

  • Faste bæredygtige og energioptimerede koncepter, der optimeres på tværs af projekterne (1. generationsløsninger; 2 generationsløsninger etc.)

  • En open BIM infrastruktur, med høj genbrug af data fra tilbud, salg, projektopstart, projektering, udførelse/produktion og til aflevering. Der arbejdes med objektorienterede BIM modeller til visualisering og simulering af systemløsningen.

  • En trimning/automatisering af design og konstruktionsprocessen (Lean)

  • A more simple delivery process using system suppliers (Supply Chain Management).

  • A continuous improvement across projects.

What can NordicFlexHouse offer you?

  • NFH faciliterer nordiske teknologi virksomheder og rådgivere ud til Kina og Indien.
  • NFH faciliterer udvikling af systemløsninger, der kan afsættes på det danske og globale marked. Systemløsninger der er modulært opbygget (bestående af et antal komponenter) og som kan installeres som plug&play løsninger (de enkelte komponenter har snitfalder der klikkes på hinanden).
  • NFH assist developing business models and feasibility studies on global market for the involved parties in the system supply chain.
  • Open BIM platform for the mass customized system solutions and a knowledge bank across of projects.
  • NFH assist an experimentarium and a prototype workshop, where we develop and test future material and system solutions for usability and key functions.
  • NFH offer consultancy and courses about project management, business strategy, best practices, modularization and configuration, digital product catalog, building information modelling (BIM) and robot technologies within the construction sector.